I had my Bday gathering yesterday in Chilies with old school peeps,
i have to say it didn't turn out the numbers i prayed for-_-''
i can't blame anyone or even condemn for yesterdays 'mistake'
but it was Nice .
Elliots Bday
HIs in the middel
MY KUNG FU PANDA(Dont sue me)
I got to choose,life is about choice, assessment or MAD camp, I would go to mad if i were decisive , but in reality is assessment. so if i were a man of choice and freedom, which 1 would i pick.
Water Fall ,RM100-50
Today my dad brought me and my bro to Bangsar to get some art stuff than we makan in this restaurant name CIPOLLA or something, got a pizza , jug of beer to RELEASE stress, and out of the blue Drake got a bloody marry, his friend told him it was a good Mexican drink, dad told him is a girls drink, i told him i was offended by the name. but in the end he drank it but he hate the salty / sour tropical taste. What a FAG drink, THANK GOD FOR BEER.